Sono Etrusco
Where do you come from?
I come from a land overlooking the Mare Tirreno, a place called Etruria. Our gods are the sun and the moon, the sea and the wind, the lightning.
But, who are you?
I am a Fulguratores, a spiritual chief.
We have the task of observing the trajectory of lightning, and there are many reasons why we do so. One of them is that lightning is attracted to minerals, and by observing its shape and direction we can reach the metals in the ground, for example. But most of all, lightning, like all celestial manifestations, has an influence on human life.
On many granite islands, ancient cultures knew that the electrical discharge of lightning can reactivate water sources, the water trapped in the rock strata. Granite contains silicium, and various other minerals that are sensitive to the electricity, these elements vibrate even with just a bolt of lightning in the sky.
The stone responds to the vibration, moves, and the water begins to flow, and all this can happen in the middle of summer, without even a drop of rain falling. Everything depends on vibration, in this case electricity. Electricity is a vibration and has a frequency, and everything vibrates, everything pulsates, everything that pulses is alive. Rhythm is the manifestation of that.
Stone vibrates at a very high frequency, much more than man. It is more alive than we are! We vibrate. We emanate a frequency that influences our surroundings. Our thoughts for example, are electrical impulses, they are literally waves! And waves are a displacement of energy not matter. What you today call Empathy, are waves that we emanate and receive. We are sounds!
Also each colour is a sound. The sound to be harmonic must have a rhythm. Because there is no harmony without rhythm! Think about the changing of the seasons, day and night, your breath, your heart. Listen to it. In the East they know it as duality, there is no shadow without light. This too is rhythm.
Every ancient cultures knew these laws. Us, like the Celts, or like the natives across the ocean, and many other cultures on other continents. I’m Etrurian, but I speak for all of them. It is not a hidden truth, just observe. "The wind speaks to you, listen to it".
This is the highest form of art,
for if art today serves any purpose,
It brings man back to contemplation.
It is the answer to our questions,
it guides the soul in it’s spiritual evolution.
Lorenzo Brinati
Copyright © Lorenzo Brinati. All rights reserved.
Visual identity and website by Pietro Giovanardi
Copyright © Lorenzo Brinati. All rights reserved.
Visual identity and website by Pietro Giovanardi